I mentioned in my last blog post that I have a new job, well actually, my position was eliminated after 23 years. Thankfully, I found my new job in just 4 days! I did receive a severance package along with my unused vacation time for the rest of the year.
Here's what we did with it:
We have been wanting to add a porch to the front of our house for several years and now we had the money to do it without adding more debt.
Here is a side view of it:
It is 8 feet wide by 26 feet long, almost half the length of the house. The flooring is made of Trex decking and the railing is all vinyl. It is pretty much a maintenance free addition! We even added recessed lighting and a ceiling fan.
Here are a couple more pictures with everything done around it:
Instead of putting lattice around the bottom, we used the most plentiful resource in Wales, ROCKS! We feel that it gives a more rustic look to the porch. I also moved my flag pole to the outside of the porch and put my new flag on it. If you can't read it, it say: "A Spoiled Rotten Dog Lives Here". It is quite fitting!
As requested by emerci, here's one with Hershey! Hershey is doing very well and he loves the new porch too!